Friday, December 17, 2010

The year that was....

Houston - 1st place and Best Bear in Section at Woodend 2010.

It's about this time that I generally think back and do a year in review.  I'll be honest, i'll be very glad to see the back of 2010.  Its been what can only be described as a disgusting year for me and my family, both immediate and extended.  This year has been plagued with job issues, illness, death and other problems that I won't divulge out of respect and privacy for my family.  The passing of my Grandma will always be the major "event" that overshadowed everything this year.

Flip the coin though and 2010 has been a massive year for me in regards to my bear/critter making.  I started the year with my first Golden Teddy nomination for a needle felted giraffe, followed by my first nomination in the Australian Bear Creation Awards for a needle felted bear.  In June I started hand sewing bears for the first time and 8 weeks later won a 1st place and "Best Bear in Show" at the Royal Adelaide Show. 8 weeks on from that, I won another 1st place and "Best Bear in Section" at the Woodend Teddy Bear show.

It's almost from one extreme to the other isn't it?  Completely black and white...only if I think harder, there's been a lot of grey too.  It's the grey that is the balance and it's the balance that brings happiness.  My son did very well at school this year and moved up a couple of levels at swimming.  My daughter started kindergarten for the first time.  My niece had her 1st birthday.  My husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage.  I spent a lot of time with my parents and sister.  I made new friends and cherished my "old" ones.  I saw a lot of family that I don't get to see often.  I laughed a lot and smiled even more.  Extremes are a part of life and they can be great if it's a good extreme, but it's the saying "It's the little things" that rings true.  I wish you and your family lots of "grey" this holiday season and for 2011.  Remember to enjoy the little things.  At the end of the day, they are the things that matter most.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I will have to change the listing on the Woodend Teddy Bear Show website Rell. Sue had him down as a grey and white bear! LOL!!!
    As the sayings go - "you win some, you lose some","behind every cloud there's a silver lining", "yin and yang" and no matter which you believe, contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent...they create a balance in your life. I'm glad you found your own balance Rell.
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Ess D'Ess Bears and Bearly Sane Studio
